Required Permissions

OpenTabletDriver requires certain permissions to be granted to it in order to function properly in certain platforms.


OpenTabletDriver works out of the box on Windows. However, if you are using a tablet that requires WinUSB, you will need to install the WinUSB driver.

Check the list of supported tablets to see if your tablet requires WinUSB. Then follow the instructions on how to install WinUSB.

WinUSB allows OpenTabletDriver to access the tablet by bypassing the default Windows HID driver that takes exclusive access of the tablet.


OpenTabletDriver needs to be able to access /dev/uinput and several other sys paths related to your tablet. On systemd-based distros, this is done via udev rules that defines the access level granted to the user. There is no official support for non-systemd distros, but patches are welcome.

Currently, two kernel modules are also unloaded as they interfere with OpenTabletDriver. These are:

  • wacom
  • hid_uclogic

A kernel module blacklist is used to prevent these modules from loading on boot.

If you’ve just installed OpenTabletDriver, make sure these modules aren’t loaded by running the following command:

sudo rmmod wacom hid_uclogic

Set up udev rules and kernel module blacklist

If for some reason the udev rules and the kernel module blacklist is not working, make sure that the installed OpenTabletDriver version is at least If still not working even with the latest version, refer to the instructions below depending on if you installed OpenTabletDriver via:

However if you’re using a version of OpenTabletDriver below and somehow cannot update to the latest version, refer to the Legacy package section.

Package manager

FHS distro

Most distros follow the FHS standard, if you don’t know if your distro follows this standard, it most likely does.

Run the following script in bash:

echo "Finding old udev rules..."
for c in /etc/udev/rules.d/9{0,9}-opentabletdriver.rules; do
  if [ -f "${c}" ]; then
    echo "Deleting ${c}"
    sudo rm "${c}"

echo "Finding old kernel module blacklist rules..."
if [ -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ]; then
  echo "Deleting /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"
  sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

sudo modprobe uinput
sudo rmmod wacom hid_uclogic > /dev/null 2>&1

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

This script cleans up obsolete udev rules, reloads udev and unloads kernel modules.

Then update the initramfs:

Distro Command
Arch Linux sudo mkinitcpio -P
Debian/Ubuntu sudo update-initramfs -u

For other distros, refer to your distro’s documentation on how to update the initramfs.

Legacy package on FHS distro

If you’re using a version of OpenTabletDriver below on an FHS distro, run the following script:

Most distros follow the FHS standard, if you don’t know if your distro follows this standard, it most likely does.

echo "Finding old udev rules..."
for c in /etc/udev/rules.d/9{0,9}-opentabletdriver.rules; do
  if [ -f "${c}" ]; then
    echo "Deleting ${c}"
    sudo rm "${c}"

echo "Finding old kernel module blacklist rules..."
if [ -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ]; then
  echo "Deleting /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"
  sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

git clone
cd OpenTabletDriver

./ | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-opentabletdriver.rules
sudo cp ./eng/linux/Generic/usr/lib/modprobe.d/99-opentabletdriver.conf /etc/modprobe.d/99-opentabletdriver.conf
sudo cp ./eng/linux/Generic/usr/lib/modules-load.d/opentabletdriver.conf /etc/modules-load.d/opentabletdriver.conf

cd ..
rm -rf OpenTabletDriver

sudo modprobe uinput
sudo rmmod wacom hid_uclogic > /dev/null 2>&1

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Then update the initramfs:

Distro Command
Arch Linux sudo mkinitcpio -P
Debian/Ubuntu sudo update-initramfs -u

For other distros, refer to your distro’s documentation on how to update the initramfs.

Non-FHS distro

Refer to your distro’s documentation on how to remove udev rules of the name 90-opentabletdriver.rules or 99-opentabletdriver.rules and a kernel module blacklist named blacklist.conf containing:

blacklist wacom
blacklist hid_uclogic

If there is no updated package available for your distro, you may try building from source. Consult your distro’s documentation on how to “install” the resulting generic binary tarball.

Built from source

Make sure you built OpenTabletDriver via these instructions and extracted the generic binary tarball correctly.


OpenTabletDriver requires the following permissions:

Permission Requirement reason
Accessibility To move the cursor
Input Monitoring To read the current cursor position and properly send relative movements (relative mode)

To grant this, navigate to SettingsSystem PreferencesSecurity and PrivacyPrivacy, then check the permissions required.

If they are already checked and problems persist, try unchecking and then rechecking them again.